S1X provides customized market analysis and predictions to clients and followers worldwide. Driven by our proprietary algorithms engine it allows customers to adjust their own forecasts and portfolio investments strategies.

S1X real time market forecasting software is based on over 90 highly sophisticated mathematical algorithms combined with more than 30 years of 3D market data.

We scan the markets 24/6 for our customers to find new daily opportunities that match their profile and increase total investments returns. Optimized returns at every level of risk are made possible through highly sophisticated smart algorithms and money management.

The algorithms were developed around the wave and resonance theory applied to financial markets and uses multiple time frames overlays to calculate price targets with high accuracy.

Our managed future long & short strategy does not make use of stop loss but uses countertrades, offsetting and hedging to re-balance accounts to a beta neutral exposure. Depending on the traded time frame and wave cycle we expect a position to close within an average of 4.5 days, 7 weeks and 4.5 months. Higher time frames are available for long-term strategies but are not published within the pelican-trading platform.